Learn English Over 50 Years Of Age.  Can you learn to speak English fluently when you are 50 years old or older?  Is it possible to learn quickly over 50?

The short answer is Yes!  In fact, in this podcast, AJ says that learners over 50 have many advantages!

Direct download: English-Over-50.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 1:32am PST

AJ interviews his friend Kenny Peavy about his new book "Young Homeless Professional".  AJ and Kenny discuss their experiences living in cars in Athens, Georgia.  Topics include: voluntary simplicity, economic freedom, non-conformity, and Henry David Thoreau.

Kenny Peavy is now an outdoor education consultant.  He helps schools develop powerful real-world science programs that get kids out of the classroom. 

AJ and Kenny have been friends for many years. 

Direct download: KennyPeavy.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 5:23pm PST

Decisions are the key to changing your life completely.  Decisions are power.  One decision can transform your life.  Which decisions will help you achieve success with English speaking?  How do you make great decisions to get the results you want?  Why are decisions so powerful?  In this Effortless English Show, AJ teaches you the power of decisions!

Direct download: Decisions_Change_Your_Life.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

How do you find a great English teacher, tutor, or school?  How do you find a great English conversation partner? What kind of person will help you succeed? In this Effortless English Show, AJ tells you how to shop for a great teacher.  He discusses the most important qualities of a tutor and how to choose the very best one for you.

Direct download: Great_Teachers_and_Tutors.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 5:10pm PST

Boldly Go Forward as you learn English and improve your communication.  The most powerful "secret" to learning English is how to change your attitude.  In this Show, AJ shares the secret of his most successful students and tells you how to do exactly what they do.

Direct download: Boldly_Go_And_Learn.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 3:21am PST

AJ talks about your fear of being judged and how it can cause problems with your English fluency.  He begins with a dangerous and scary story about his first trip to India.

Direct download: Danger_Fear_Initiative.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 7:14pm PST

In English learning, you are going to encounter unexpected challenges.  This is the case even when you use the Effortless English system.  When these problems arise, how do you solve them?  How can you continue moving forward? AJ Hoge tells you how.

Direct download: Unexpected-Challenges.m4a
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 6:37am PST

In this Show, AJ Hoge tells you how to be more effective in your daily English studies.

Direct download: Flexibility-Fun.m4a
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 4:32am PST

How can you improve your English errors?  What's the worst thing that you must avoid?  What are the best ways to improve spoken grammar correctness and pronunciation?  AJ teaches you all of this and more in this Effortless English Show.

Direct download: Error-Correction.m4a
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 4:36pm PST

English textbooks are boring.  We all agree.  So what should you read and how– in order to improve your vocabulary, speaking, and pronunciation faster?  In this video, AJ Hoge tells you which books to read and how to use audiobooks for the fastest improvement.

Direct download: Audiobooks_and_English.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 7:46pm PST

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