Sat, 24 October 2015
Learn English Over 50 Years Of Age. Can you learn to speak English fluently when you are 50 years old or older? Is it possible to learn quickly over 50? The short answer is Yes! In fact, in this podcast, AJ says that learners over 50 have many advantages!
Direct download: English-Over-50.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 1:32am PST |
Wed, 30 September 2015
AJ interviews his friend Kenny Peavy about his new book "Young Homeless Professional". AJ and Kenny discuss their experiences living in cars in Athens, Georgia. Topics include: voluntary simplicity, economic freedom, non-conformity, and Henry David Thoreau. Kenny Peavy is now an outdoor education consultant. He helps schools develop powerful real-world science programs that get kids out of the classroom. AJ and Kenny have been friends for many years.
Direct download: KennyPeavy.mp3
Category:The Effortless English Show With AJ Hoge -- posted at: 5:23pm PST |